Saturday, August 28, 2010

Formation of the North American Lutheran Church

Triggered by the move away from a strict Biblical view (of sexuality and perhaps other things), a new Lutheran denomination has now been formed out of the matrix of disenchantment with the ELCA. The North American Lutheran Church has been welcomed in some quarters by genuine celebration, and received in others with a more cynical, "Great. Another Protestant sect to add to the 35,000 already in existence."

At this point, the NALC is very small, but the future may see it grow, depending on the ELCA's future course. The new denomination may have some features which will help it grow, such as support for congregational ministries being high on its stated list of priorities. As always, time will tell.

Our Presiding Bishop Mark Hansen has called for tolerance and unity, but the Reformation itself is a reminder that calls for unity do not always trump faithfulness to scripture. In the meantime, be at peace. This as everything else, is in God's capable hands. Trust in God's capacity to set things right when and where He chooses!

Pastor Garry


  1. God is the one who is in charge of the church when it is still the church. ELCA violated its own constitution and thus calls into question whether or not it is the church.

  2. It will be interesting to see what becomes of the NALC. I attended the Constituting Convocation in Columbus along with Pr. Metze and several other SC pastors. As you said, it's in God's capable hands.
